WS 2018

Grammars for Trees and Graphs



Introduction: String and tree languages

Comon et al. (2008), Tree automata: Techniques and applications (“TATA”)

Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAG)

Joshi & Schabes (1997): Tree Adjoining Grammars

Nesson & Shieber (2006): Simpler TAG semantics through synchronization

Shieber (2006): Unifying synchronous tree-adjoining grammars and tree transducers via bimorphisms

Minimalist Grammars

Stabler 1997: Derivational Minimalism

Graf 2011: Closure Properties of Minimalist Derivation Tree Languages

Boston, Hale, and Kuhlmann 2010: Dependency Structures Derived from Minimalist Grammars

Interpreted regular tree grammars (IRTG)

Koller & Kuhlmann 2011: A Generalized View on Parsing and Translation

Koller & Kuhlmann 2012: Decomposing TAG algorithms using simple algebraizations

Fowlie & Koller 2017: Parsing Minimalist Languages with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars

Automata and grammars for graphs

Koller (2015): Semantic construction with graph grammars

Peng & Gildea (2015): A Synchronous Hyperedge Replacement Grammar based approach for AMR parsing

Gilroy et al. (2017): (Re)introducing regular graph languages

Fowlie 2010: Multidominant Minimalist Grammars

Describing trees and graphs with neural networks

Vinyals et al. (2015): Grammar as a foreign language.

Kuncoro et al. (2017): What Do Recurrent Neural Network Grammars Learn About Syntax?

Van Noord & Bos (2017): Neural Semantic Parsing by Character-based Translation: Experiments with Abstract Meaning Representations

Groschwitz et al (2018): AMR Dependency Parsing with a Typed Semantic Algebra


Dave Howcroft (guest speaker?): Inducing synchronous tree grammars for natural language generation